We specialise in advising medium-sized companies, cooperatives, public enterprises and discerning private clients.
Tax Consultants
We provide advice on tax planning, prepare annual financial statements and tax returns and carry out financial and payroll accounting.
Public accountant
We audit annual and consolidated financial statements, advise on acquisitions and prepare company valuations.
Focal points
Dr. Kluth & von Zech in Hamburg
Schauenburgerstraße 55-57
20095 Hamburg
Tel: 040-303739-0
Fax: 040-303739-30
Dr. Kluth & von Zech in Mölln
Bauhof 4
23879 Mölln
Tel: 04542-8435-05
Fax: 04542-8435-06
Dr. Kluth & von Zech in Wittenburg
Am Markt 12
19243 Wittenburg
Tel: 038852-924770
Fax: 04542-8435-06
What we do
We enforce our clients’ legitimate claims or defend against unjustified claims – with pronounced expertise in many legal fields. We would like to provide you with more detailed information on this.
How we work
Good advice ensures that problems do not arise in the first place. Where they have arisen, however, we make use of all judicial and extrajudicial possibilities to assert our clients’ claims.
What we earn
In advance of consultations, we ensure the highest possible transparency and agree with our clients either individual fees or invoice according to the applicable fee schedule.